Treasure Hunting

Today I am giving myself a break from the river and rocks. Those muscles are sore as hell. So I am going to stretch my legs and head back to that spot where I found the 90+ year old shoe. I've been wanting to get back there since April. #forcedtobreakthelaw - please share on your... Continue Reading →

Hole 2 Day 5

Here we go... My sluice, that's sitting above hole 2, is the level of the river on the other side of the bar.

Hole 2 Day 4

It seems like everyday I get less done than the day before. There is a very good reason why I am digging this way. #forcedtobreakthelaw Like I mentioned in a previous post, my body is broken. Where I started digging, I was digging across instead of down. With my bad back and knee, this is... Continue Reading →

I need a break

I have been down to the river for the last three straight days. I will be lucky if I can move later today. I got a call back from the prosecutor. That means I am going to have to make a trip out of here to be interviewed by the defense attorney. The good news... Continue Reading →

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