mic drop

OCD - Nope ADHD - Now maybe not... ASD - Yes GAD - Yes MDD - Yes I want at least the last 40 years back! What the front door... It explains a lot and yet makes me so angry I could spit fire. It was kind of weird having someone I had never met... Continue Reading →


First an explanation. I haven't been writing about my journey lately because I have been seriously busy trying to get my autism evaluation done. In the past when I wrote about my progress, things didn't work out. I figured by keeping quiet I could maintain my focus. Trying to get something done, that seems impossible,... Continue Reading →

Is this #2 for real?

I think I may have cracked my case, so to speak. I found someone that gives a low income discount, for Medicaid, is seeing new adults and only does the testing/evaluation for ASD. The testing isn't free, about $1,000, and is 100 miles away. After 3.5 years looking, I would have found transportation to just... Continue Reading →

Red Alert!

An unknown government agency drove in this morning with one or more agents. Their location is unknown.

big latenyte

A sketch of me when I was over 260. I haven't had anything nice to say lately, so I have kept me ramblings to a minimum. I suppose it is time for an update. 16 providers called and two appointments later, I am still spinning my wheels. Both appointments were a bust and told me... Continue Reading →

What about Bob?

Celebrate the small things. Take baby steps. Believe it or not, I may have got some good news today. First, I got a callback from the NW Autism Center regarding my screening. I was more than double the cutoff for a formal diagnosis. Second, they are sending me the mysterious list that didnt exist. What... Continue Reading →

Totally helpless…

Like I needed any more anxiety in my life, yet I'm getting it by the semi load. Today it's been two weeks since my house fire and I'm still not allowed back into my own home. I'm not allowed to try to recover any valuables, personal items or heirlooms. The longer I'm kept out of... Continue Reading →

No Pass

I still dont have the ok to go into my crispy fried home. The longer I'm forced to delay, the less likely I will be able to save anything from water damage. The investigators are manipulating the facts, spreading lies and holding up the whole process. What is worse is there is nothing I can... Continue Reading →

I’m calling you out!

Laurelwood Park - Federal Way. WA My residence has been in Federal Way, WA for more than a decade. In my experience the city can trespass on your property and cut down your landscaping without notice. Then the city of federal can fine you for letting some if your landscaping recover. Laurelwood Park - Federal... Continue Reading →

Nothing left…

It's been a while since I wrote anything because I have had nothing good to say. This feeling of being forced to break the law continues into the new decade. Christmas eve I was dealing with the federal way police after my house was burglarized again. And this morning I was woke up to be... Continue Reading →

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